
Places a Combo Plans Order for the specified domain name.


Name Data Type Required / Optional Description
auth-userid Integer Required Authentication Parameter
api-key String Required Authentication Parameter
domain-name String Required The domain name for which the Order is placed.
customer-id Integer Required The Customer under whom the Order should be added.
noOfMonths Integer Required The number of months for which the Order is placed.
invoice-option String Required This parameter will decide how the Customer Invoices will be handled. Values can be: NoInvoice, PayInvoice, KeepInvoice, OnlyAdd
bundle-id Integer Required The plan under which the Order should be added. To fetch the plan details i.e. bundle-id etc., use this method.
servicesParamJson String Required The parameters that are required for provisioning individual services under the Combo Plan.


Name ProductKey Parameter Required / Optional
Domain domainOrder ns Required
reg-contact-id Required
admin-contact-id Required
tech-contact-id Required
billing-contact-id Required
purchase-privacy Optional
protect-privacy Optional
attr-name Optional
attr-value Optional
Single Domain Hosting singledomainhostinglinuxus auto-renew Optional
Website Builder hosting auto-renew Optional
Business Email eeliteus auto-renew Optional
SSL Certificate sslcert auto-renew Optional

This should be a valid JSON, containing keys as productKey of all the services under the respective Combo Plan and values as parameters required for provisioning the particular service. { "domainOrder": { "ns": [ "", "" ], "reg-contact-id": "0", "admin-contact-id": "0", "tech-contact-id": "0", "billing-contact-id": "0", "attr-name1": "tnc", "attr-value1": "yes", "attr-name2": "premium", "attr-value2": "yes" }, "singledomainhostinglinuxus": {}, "sslcert": {} }

discount-amount Float Optional Discount amount for the order value.

HTTP Method


Example Test URL Request { "domainOrder": { "ns": [ "", "" ], "reg-contact-id": "0", "admin-contact-id": "0", "tech-contact-id": "0", "billing-contact-id": "0", "attr-name1": "tnc", "attr-value1": "yes", "attr-name2": "premium", "attr-value2": "yes" }, "singledomainhostinglinuxus": {}, "sslcert": {} }


Returns a map with the execution details of the Order addition.