You may offer Privacy Protection as a paid or a free service. If you were previously offering privacy protection as a free service and wish to continue it, no changes are required on your part except setting your Selling Price for Privacy Protection to zero. However, if you wish to start charging for it, you will have to make the below changes to support this change.

Setting your Selling Price (After launch of Paid Privacy Protection)

  1. Login to your Control Panel.

  2. In the Menu, point to Settings and click Manage Products and Pricing.

  3. Click the Domain Registration link

  4. Under the Add-On Services section, click the Manage Prices link next to Privacy Protection.

  5. Mention your Selling Price for your Customers and Sub-Resellers in the appropriate fields.

  6. Click the Update Pricing button.

SuperSite Changes

  • Updates to existing files

    • Products -> Domain -> Domain_registration -> Check_availability_new -> Domain_search_result.html

    • Products -> Domain -> Premium_domain -> Premiumdomain.html

    • Products -> Domain -> Domain_registration -> Check_availibilty -> Includes -> Idn_domain_search_blurb.html

    If you have made any modifications to these files, you need to update them to include the changes related to Paid Privacy Protection service.

  • Newly introduced files

    • Products -> Domain -> Domain_registration -> Check_availibilty -> Privacy_protect_modal.html

    • Products -> Domain -> Common -> Privacy_protect_landing_page.html

API Changes

Below changes to the API calls need to implemented:

  • Domain Registration and Domain Transfer: If you wish to purchase Privacy Protection when registering or transferring a domain name, your Registration or Transfer API call must include an additional parameter purchase-privacy with the value true. This will ensure that the service is purchased for the same term as the domain name. You can continue to use the existing parameter privacy-protect with the value true as long as your Selling Price to Customers in our system is set to zero. However, do keep in mind that your Reseller Account will be charged for the service.

    Sample Registration Call for Paid Privacy Protection (Selling Price to Customers is set to non zero in our system)

    Sample Registration Call for Free Privacy Protection (Selling Price to Customers is set to zero in our system) [Existing API call]

    Sample Transfer Call for Paid Privacy Protection (Selling Price to Customers is set to non zero in our system)

    Sample Transfer Call for Free Privacy Protection (Selling Price to Customers is set to zero in our system) [Existing API call]

  • Domain Renewal: If the Privacy Protection service is expiring before or along with the domain name, it can be extended along with the domain name itself. For this, the Renewal API call must include the additional parameter purchase-privacy with the value true.

    Sample Renewal Call for Paid Privacy Protection (Selling Price to Customers is set to non zero in our system)

    Sample Renewal Call for Free Privacy Protection (Selling Price to Customers is set to zero in our system) [Existing API call]

  • Purchasing / Renewing Privacy Protection for an existing Domain Name: Before enabling the Privacy Protection service for a domain name, it must be purchased for the domain name. This must be done using the Purchase Privacy API call, which will add and activate the service for the domain name until its expiration date. The same call can be used to renew the Privacy Protection service if it expires before the expiration of the domain name itself.

    Sample Purchase Call for Paid Privacy Protection (Selling Price to Customers is set to non zero in our system)

    Sample Activation Call for Free Privacy Protection (Selling Price to Customers is set to zero in our system) [Existing API call]