Adding a Company User

You can add Company Users from within the Reseller Control Panel as mentioned below:

  1. Login to your Control Panel. 1

  2. In the Menu, point to Settings -> Company Users and then click Add.

  3. Here, you need to Submit the following:

    • Full Name: Name of the Company User.

    • Username (Email Address): Username (Email Address) for the Company User. This will be used to login to the Company User's Control Panel.

    • Password: Password for the Company User.

    • From Email: This will be used as the From email address for emails sent by the system on behalf of the Company User. This filed is particularly significant in case of Sales Users.

    • Tel No.: Telephone number for the Company User.

    • Role: A Support, Billing or Sales Role or any combination of the three can be assigned. Multiple Roles can be selected while holding down the Ctrl key.


      You will encounter the below error message after submitting the form, in case you have not selected any Role for the Company User -

      You have not assigned any role to this user.

Once Company Users have been added, you can modify their Menu Permissions and Access Rights.