Optimizing your SuperSite 2 to Reduce Load Time

You can combine the all CSS files for SuperSite 2 into a single file, by following the process outlined below, thus reducing the SuperSite 2 load time:

  1. Login to your SuperSite 2 Admin Area. 1

  2. Under the My Themes section, click the Combine CSS Files bar.

  3. Here, turn the Combine CSS Files feature ON using the toggle.

    This will combine all the CSS files into a single file viz production.css.

  • CSS files are combined only while the SuperSite 2 pages are being loaded in a browser. The SuperSite 2 Admin Area will continue to display individual CSS files.

  • You may split the CSS files by turning the Combine CSS Files option OFF using the toggle. Turning this option OFF will increase the load time of your Supersite 2. It is recommended that you turn this setting OFF only when you wish to edit your CSS files, so that you can easily identify the file to be edited by using the 'Inspect Element' option on your browser.